This is my favorite post of the year, the time I get to spout my opinion about what I think has been the best this last year. And 2007 has been a fantastic year for film. Without a doubt this was the best year of the decade so far. It has been incredibly difficult to narrow a list down to a top ten, so I decided to go with a top fifteen. And even with that there are still so many thoroughly enjoyable films that did not make my list.
So without further ado, here are the fiften films that I enjoyed the most in 2007. These films taught me about life, about myself and others, about humanity, about God, and about our relationship to Him. I have written a review of each of these films, so feel free to visit those posts for further investigation into each of these works of art.
15. Zodiac
14. Breach
13. Into the Wild
12. Atonement