Ah, what a good time. Every once in a while you just need to make fun of something. Edgar Wright's latest is a rollicking good time of a spoof on cop dramas. The team from
Shaun of the Dead assembles again for over-the-top mayhem and hilarity. Simon Pegg is a supercop from London who is sent to the country because he is so good at his job that everyone else looks bad. When he gets to this picture-perfect village of Sanford, he is quickly paired up with a cop-movie obsessed nerdball (Nick Frost). Nick Angel (Pegg) quickly tries to arrest pretty much everyone for every little thing, but the town is very proud of their "safest village in England"status and will do anything to protect it. Thus, a battle of beaurocracy ensues. Eventually, that battle gets bloody and all the big guns come out, and they jump through the air while firing two guns "just like in the movies." Its absolutely gruesome, and unbelievably funny.
I love cop films, and I love to make fun of cop films. The fact is, there is a lot to make fun of. And Hot Fuzz does a great job of making everyone look like idiots. We need a sense of humor, it makes life more bearable. We have to learn to laugh at ourselves. We are all pretty weird. Let's not take ourselves too seriously. Hot Fuzz is the funniest thing I have seen in a while. The Brits really know how to make me laugh. Not a whole lot of "deep thought" on this review, just want to encourage you to see a different style of comedy and have a grand old time.
Thanks so much for reviewing this movie - I think it you hadn't, we probably would have never even known this movie existed, but because of you, we spent last night laughing our TAILS off at this movie. Best (and for sure grossest) comedy I've seen in a long, long time. "Crusty jugglers....Crusty Jugglers...."
Keep it up!
Dear O
-As a member of your film class i believe that you should assault your students for rejecting this film and ending it before it was over. I believe you should show this movie in class, not for its in depth meaning but for its educational purposes of other cultures and its ability to teach us how to laugh at ourselves.
Here is a response to Kip's comment. This was one of those movies that was only entertaining to the people who knew what was going on and what it was making fun of. I think that for the most part, guys think British humor is hilarious and girls just stare and think "Why am I watching this?" It was ridiculous and not in a good way and I have no regrets that we stopped it when we did. Sometimes you don't have to see the whole thing to know when it is a bad movie.
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