God has us call him Father for a reason. We need some way of understanding a being who is completely holy, completely other than us. God chooses to speak our language and give us a picture of what His relationship to us is like. In these terms, Solomon Vandy is one of the best "fathers" I have seen on film in a long time. Solomon is searching for his son, Dia. Dia was captured by a rebel group in their native Sierra Leone. This group brainwashes children, and turns them into killing machines (just like Uganda's "Lords Resistence Army"). Dia Vandy now hates his father. He believes that all those who are not with his rebel group are weak, and should be disposed of. Meanwhile, Solomon commits to go to any length to find his son, often at his own perile. Solomon will do anything for his son. He never gives up, even when all seems lost. Now, obviously, this is reflective of God's character. He is on a search and rescue mission to save all of us from the enemy. God is all about redemption, reconciliation, and relationship. He wants to save us, heal us, and empower us to live a full life. God will not give up.
The climax of the film comes when Solomon and Dia are united *spoiler alert*. Instead of being overjoyed, Dia points a gun at his father's head. He has been deceived, he now hates the man that loves him more than any other. We, humanity, have been deceived by the enemy. We have been lied to. But Solomon does not give up. He looks his son straight in the eye and tells him who he really is. Solomon reminds Dia of his childhood, of his mother and siblings. He goes on and on, speaking the truth to his son. Eventually the wall of lies breaks down. And so art reflects truth. We must listen to the words of the Father to truly know who we are. We have believed the lies spoken to us by the evil one. The Father's voice will bring redemption, he will save us. The Father's voice will bring reconciliation, he will welcome us back. The Father's voice will bring relationships, he will remind us of how to live with Him and with others. But we must listen to His voice above all else. We must belive His words. Let us see in Solomon Vandy a voice strong yet gentle, a voice of truth and love. Let us see a reflection of the Father's mission in the life of Solomon Vandy.